How to deal with exam result anxiety? - Dr. Sulata Shenoy

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Now your examinations are over, the most dreaded day or the most difficult part of going to the examination hall, sitting down and answering your exam paper is over and you come back relieved, you don’t what to think about it for a very long time, you just throw away your books in the cupboard, you like to relax with your friends and families you may be going for a movie or outing and thoroughly enjoy your post examination period and suddenly your exam results are announced ad that is when your anxiety comes back. You start seeing how have I done, what should I have done? Lot of regret, guilt, anxiety, apprehension, pressure is put on you and sadly we see that before or during the result as a lot of students either run away or take their own life or do something drastic just out of fear of the result of the exams they are afraid that teachers or parents might not like the results and very unfortunately it may not be true. I came across a story that the student left a note that he has not done well in the previous day and do something very unfortunate but what happened is that e next day when the results came, he was supposed to be the topper. So he had a lot of anxiety which was unnecessary that lead him to take such a drastic action in his own life and the next day when the results were announced how ironic it was what you need to understands that once the tests and exams are over, you need not worry about how or what the results will be. Just put your trust in them, you may have performed your exam, put your trust in the examiner out your trust in a higher authority, put your trust in God ad think that I have done my best and whatever outcome comes let me accept it as a learning experience. In life, according to me, there are no failures there are only leaning experiences so if you have not done so well, unfortunately, in this exam or the results aren’t so great don’t worry or don’t be disheartened there is always other way out or an opportunity to do better. An exam is not by itself the end goal. It is a stepping stone for a better future and that is why we are so afraid of results. At the same time we have to out things at perspective. Once the task is done, we need to await the result, accept it and see what we do and sometimes it is a change what the result brings. once you are done with this, you need to know what should I do next, which colleges I need to apply which colleges should I apply? Should I look for job, where should I go for my higher studies so all this can create a lot of anxiety and so the day of the results, all this will come together, plus the added pressure of your neighbor’s son doing well or parents comparing with their colleague sons marks or your siblings marks a few years earlier. The best way is to stay calm, to be positive, think lot of good thoughts, think about success imagery, and whatever it is need to be accept it and I need to move on. So it is good to have a variety of land before the results are put so that you are fully equipped too deal you results.


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