S04E17 | Saviors of the Sword Coast | Stormbreakers | Divine Contention | Actual Play

Описание к видео S04E17 | Saviors of the Sword Coast | Stormbreakers | Divine Contention | Actual Play


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AI Summary of the raw transcript (misspellings are YT's fault)...in the style of Shel Silverstein:

Last time, our brave Storm Breakers danced on the edge of sharp doom,
In a crypt where shadows stretched across a forgotten room.
There, Cavetta the Lonely, with her harpoons like hooks,
Tried to pull them into darkness, despite their worried looks.

But Canas, with quick thinking and a mighty cloud rune,
Swapped places with his friend, despite the spiked room’s gloom.
Ezra, our stout cleric, cast guiding bolts with flair,
While Elden, from a distance, sent his prayers through the air.

The spikes were sharp, the floor was mean,
But they fought through the terror, unseen.
Canas broke free from Cavetta’s grasp,
His giant might giving him a final gasp.

Zith the cunning, with spells and quick wit,
Offered the power of flight, so no one would get hit.
Ois and Ezra took to the skies,
As Cavetta’s cries echoed with lonely goodbyes.

In the end, they vanquished the sorrowful ghost,
But not before her story left them morose.
She spoke of her children, cursed and alone,
And as she faded, the heroes could only bemoan.

They uncovered a pool of light within the coffin’s cold grasp,
A portal, perhaps, to escape this task.
But before they could rest, they had to set right,
Another lost soul in the endless night.

With a new friend named Cassus, who stepped from the gloom,
They planned their escape from that sorrowful tomb.
He spoke of great danger, an undead army near,
Marching towards Leilon, spreading terror and fear.

Now our heroes must hurry, no time left to waste,
For a dracolich waits, with a terrible taste.
Leilon needs saviors, and they are the ones,
To stand in the way of the deadliest of runs.

So prepare your hearts, your spells, and your might,
For the battle ahead will last through the night.
The story continues, the danger’s not done,
But with courage and wit, the battle will be won.


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