
Описание к видео 夢想環遊世界-越南富國島冬日自由行-EP6暢遊媽祖廟石山殿看日落-富國夜市海鮮餐-

The Mazu Temple is located in the northwest corner of Dongdongdong Town on Phu Quoc Island. Locals come here to pray for peace before going to sea. The temple is surrounded by the sea on three sides and is built on a pile of sand and gravel, so it is also beautiful to watch the sunset here, and the beach next to it is also very suitable for walking and relaxing.
Phu Quoc Island Attraction Recommendation "Yangdong Night Market" Phu Quoc Island's largest night market is also known as "Phu Quoc Night Market", here has the best Vietnamese sandwiches, coconut ice, fresh peppercorns good shopping and good shopping, is a must-have for a night trip to Phu Quoc Island To the attractions, if you want to eat seafood here is also super many to choose from, lobster, seaweed, shellfish ... all kinds of fresh seafood are all available, there are also all kinds of fruits, local products, jewelry can buy, but this stroll down my favorite is still Vietnamese sandwich, Coconut ice.


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