FFRC moment - Nano helps out & other shorts - 2021.06.03

Описание к видео FFRC moment - Nano helps out & other shorts - 2021.06.03

(Click on time to go to selected short)

00:00 Nano likes a clean counter top.
00:51 D-Man's tail - Alma gets a face full of Derecho's tail.
01:11 Alma takes a roll in the pineapple.
03:29 Derecho enjoying Kim's attention.
04:48 Inspector Lucie's verdict -- tunnels are ok but undercover blankets still the cat's meow.
06:12 Ruby involved in multi-kitty pile-up on the purple blanket.
07:00 Kiara's confuzzled by Ruby's posturing & seems relieved when Jacci steps in.
07:39 No passing zone - Pania tried passing while still in Coralie's no passing zone.
09:21 Lucky Pania - Glass door's shut so Pania escapes momma Spring's wrath.
10:18 All five FFRC Siamese (Pania, Ramsay, Asha, Sparrow, & Dee Dee) on cam.
10:35 Collateral damage - Lena eludes CDot but runs over Alma.
11:06 Nyota, like Lena, tends to bring out the 'chase' in CDot.
11:21 Shaz pulls a Lucie & seems to like going undercover.
12:22 Shaz then gets some undercover tips from the expert (Lucie).
13:34 Pounce practice - Practice makes perfect.
14:42 Unlucky Bingo - Bingo (recent leg amputation) learns not to enter momma Spring's domain without an invite.
16:30 (2018) Paddy nods off to Elsie's lullaby.

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Visit https://www.fofrescue.org/ch/ for CH -- Cerebellar Hypoplasia info.
Visit https://www.fofrescue.org for all links and other info.


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