Weird Laws in Brazil That Kill Entrepreneurship and Business / Doing Business in Brazil

Описание к видео Weird Laws in Brazil That Kill Entrepreneurship and Business / Doing Business in Brazil

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I use the weird laws mentioned in this video as an example when someone asks me: Why did you decide to open a business in Eastern Europe instead of in your home country?
But they are just drops in an ocean. The Brazilian labor law has almost 1000 articles. A book compilation of the tax legislation weights 7 tons.
Since 1988, Brazilian legislators have created, on average, 4163 new laws or norms — Per Day.
Some affected people I know — people brave enough to start a business in Brazil.

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Small Business Hacks is a channel created by an entrepreneur, for entrepreneurs. Business plan for small business, Finance education, Management skills, Small Business Tips, Entrepreneurship ideas, all that, and much more you will find here, at Small Business Hacks.

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Why is Brazilian Tax Law Is So Complex?
The average answer to this question is better than what most economists would say.

Laws are complicated because the Brazilian government is always hungry for money. The quickest and easier way to satiate this hunger is by creating new taxes.

Brazilian laws are expensive, obscure, and even ridiculous. Since you are not an entrepreneur there — if you are, you have my admiration — below are some examples of weird laws in Brazil to laugh about.

Weird Laws in Brazil Creating Jobs That Do Not Exist Nearly Anywhere Else
Imagine if in your country a law turned mandatory to employ an attendant in every elevator. His function would be only to press the floor buttons.

It sounds absurd, right?

Not in Brazil, where there is something similar. Not with elevators, but with gas stations. There, you cannot refuel your own car without help. Even if there are 4 pumps available and only one busy attendant (called frentista), you need to wait in line.

I traveled to 51 countries during the last decade and I saw nothing like it. It is literally illegal for you to pump gas into your vehicle because of a law created in 2000 and sanctioned by president Fernando Henrique Cardoso. The reason for it? To preserve the health of drivers and keep the jobs of gas station attendants.

If the law’s purpose was to keep a job that makes little sense and instead increases the costs of fueling a car, congrats! Your idea succeeded, Mr. Rebelo.

Another profession that only exists in Brazil is the despachante de trânsito.

What does he do? He ensures your car documents, inspections, and fees are up to date.

Why would someone hire an expert for something so trivial?
Because dealing with the local traffic departments (DETRAN) is falling into a limbo of bureaucracy, winding corridors, and hours, maybe days, wasted.


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