Leaked Report From Chinese Army Staff Headquarter: China Begging Russia To Attack Taiwan, But WHY??

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In a show of defiance and strategic posturing, Chinese military aircraft continue to breach Taiwanese airspace. These provocations come ahead of a significant political event: the inauguration of Taiwan’s President-elect, Lai Ching-Te, scheduled for May 20th. This pattern of aggression highlights a stark message from Beijing, mirroring tactics that are more about intimidation than diplomacy.
In recent developments, our sources confirm that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has intensified their so-called "joint combat readiness drills." These are not routine exercises. The Chinese air force and navy are collaborating closely, suggesting a rehearsal for coordinated operations, possibly envisioning a conflict scenario involving Taiwan.
Indeed, and adding a troubling layer to this, the U.S. has unveiled intelligence that points to increased military cooperation between China and Russia, particularly concerning Taiwan. Just last week, U.S. officials disclosed during a congressional hearing that an alliance between these two might extend beyond mere diplomatic support. The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency starkly warned that conflict with one could likely lead to opening a second front with the other.

Leaked Report From Chinese Army Staff Headquarter: China Begging Russia To Attack Taiwan, But WHY??


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