Challenges in real estate and urban design - Paul van der Kuil

Описание к видео Challenges in real estate and urban design - Paul van der Kuil

URBAN MAESTRO "Workshop #4. Actions for Future"

Paul van der Kuil, a researcher and lecturer in Real Estate at TU Berlin, began by introducing his field of interest, Investorenarchitektur, a German term often used by the architecture and urbanism profession and the general public to vilify buildings that are produced by the real estate sector. He then moved on to what he sees as the main challenge in the relationship between real estate and urban design: how to motivate the real estate sector (land owners, developers and investors, the most powerful actors) into the centre of shared objectives, motivations and methods: Design, Ecology, Economy, Sociology, Planning.

© 2020 Urban Maestro

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 831704.


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