How To Make $20,000 A Day Trading Options | SPX Credit Spreads 🤑

Описание к видео How To Make $20,000 A Day Trading Options | SPX Credit Spreads 🤑

And WE PROVE how to by starting with just $500 risk to build the respect for the 💲

𝐘𝐄𝐒 there are traders who make $20,000/day on a random day. To do that one first needs to make $10,000/day and to do that one must first make $5,000/day and to do that etc., etc., etc.

In less than 1 year of trading Daily SPX Credit spreads, the MyOTC system of taking just only 5% where our average daily gains are greater than +20% will have a small account starting with only 1 contract less than $500 risk to a stage where you can trade $100k a day and book $5k a day with ONLY 5% profits where our average daily gains are greater than +20%.

If SUCCESS in trading options is on your priority list, we PROVE it works and when it RARELY doesn't, all we need to do is roll to the next day and it collects what was intended.

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