The Ultimate Battle Engineer🔸(Team Fortress 2 Gameplay 2022)

Описание к видео The Ultimate Battle Engineer🔸(Team Fortress 2 Gameplay 2022)

5000$+ Golden Pan giveaway:
Uncle Dane's Guide To Battle Engineer:    • The Ultimate Guide To Battle Engineer  
Casual Adventures (NISLT):    • TF2: The Sunday Show #14 (Casual Adve...  

0:00 Intro
0:39 MANNCO Ad.
0:55 Upward Shotgun Gameplay
14:50 Swiftwater Widowmaker Godlike Killstreak
20:07 Borneo Gameplay
25:35 Chat message about Uncle Dane
27:54 Pier Gameplay

Team Fortress 2 Gameplay No Commentary TF2 Engie Main 2022 Construction PDA Gunslinger Shotgun Pistol Widowmaker

Hud: Broesel-Hud

#teamfortress2 #tf2


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