FOSDEM 2009 Reverse Engineering of Proprietary Protocols, Tools and Techniques

Описание к видео FOSDEM 2009 Reverse Engineering of Proprietary Protocols, Tools and Techniques

This talk is about reverse engineering a proprietary network protocol, and then creating my own implementation. The talk will cover the tools used to take binary data apart, capture the data, and techniques I use for decoding unknown formats. The protocol covered is the RTMP protocol used by Adobe flash, and this new implementation is part of the Gnash project.

By Rob Savoye

FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Development European Meeting) is a European event centered around Free and Open Source software development. It is aimed at developers and all interested in the Free and Open Source news in the world. Its goals are to enable developers to meet and to promote the awareness and use of free and open source software. More info at


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