
Описание к видео 六代戰機的開發已經席捲全球,而美軍下一代戰機即將確定,很大機率將會是它!

This year, it seems that it has become a global trend to announce the creation of a sixth-generation machine. Countries such as the United Kingdom, Japan and South Korea are doing it. Even Taiwan has its own ADF plan, although they do not have their own fifth-generation machine. However, they have invested in the research and development plan of the sixth-generation machine, in case the corner overtaking is realized on the sixth-generation machine! Of course, the United States, which is the most technologically advanced, will not be pulled down
The research and development of the next-generation fighter began a long time ago, and the next-generation fighter will be the firepower of this issue. Let's take a look!
#火力就是正義 #火力君


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