Volcanoes on the Verge

Описание к видео Volcanoes on the Verge

Ken Sims spoke at the Museum about his work and volcanoes around the world.

Featuring Kenneth Sims, PhD, isotope geochemist and volcanologist; associate professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming.

Did you know that one of the world's largest volcanoes lies under Yellowstone National Park? Or that one of the most active volcanoes boasts a lava lake 700 feet across and a city of one million residents at its base? In an effort to prevent a modern-day Pompeii, Ken Sims travels the globe and rappels into the fiery hearts of volcanoes, measuring gases and collecting "zero-age" chunks of fresh lava. Marvel at his life in the field, and learn where and when the biggest threats might erupt.


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