Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Clip Show #2

Описание к видео Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Clip Show #2

Here's more stuff from the cutting room floor. These matches are from more recent sessions--you may notice your request reappearing in some of these. I'll be putting these up, by the way, when I run out of requests, which is what has happened.

Match: Galaxy Far, Far Away
Saffron City (Hazards Off)
Stock (3 Stock, 5 Minutes)
I AM PLAYER 1 (Dark Pit)
Player 2: lets play9 (Shulk)
Player 3: Nick (Donkey Kong)
Player 4: fun gang. (Rosalina & Luma)
Music: "Battle (Island Kahuna)"
One of things that annoys me is when I play a Smash Bros. game with 3 or more players and one opponent just stands at some faraway part of the screen doing nothing, at least if it isn't a Time battle. Well, not strictly that, per se, but when combined with how the other opponents don't notice and attempt to pull me back into their fight at the other side. They don't notice the one gaining an increasingly advantageous position by doing absolutely nothing but notice the players trying to do something about that. The worst part is that when it's just the do-nothing player versus the last survivor, they don't realize what that's players been doing and just think they're really good. For this match, this is what fun gang. did with Rosalina & Luma, standing at either the buildingtop on the left or on the right. This time around, though, it looks like lets play9 (Shulk) caught on eventually, ensuring that fun gang.'s ploy didn't work, probably due to lets play9 and Nick (Donkey Kong) inadvertently occupying both extremes of the screen, respectively, requiring fun gang. to be noticed and actually fight to reclaim them. Nick also started standing on those buildingtops to claim them before Rosalina could get there THIS is what happens when people are actually paying attention and noticing something isn't right. Speaking of which, all three of fun gang.'s falls are item-inflicted, which makes me wonder if they're not used to playing with items on.

Incidentally, this is my favorite battle music from Pokémon Sun & Moon, and I'm glad it was remixed. Wished they'd remix something other than battle music though.

Match: Big Thunder Fountain
Stock (3 Stock, 5 Minutes)
I AM PLAYER 1 (Robin)
Player 2: sm0lcat (Peach)
Player 3: TheBear18 (King K. Rool)
Player 4: TFLOW (Samus)
Music: "Libble Rabble Retro Medley"
Stages like PAC-LAND are a lot like Rainbow Road or Bowser's Castle in an online Mario Kart game. You can tell who's accustomed to the stage and who isn't very easily. Scrolling stages, in addition, are a good way to force out of their comfort zones players who use characters like Ike or Incineroar without moving much because, well, these stages require them to move. I don't know how used to scrolling stages TheBear18 is, but they kept King K. Rool on the left side a lot at the beginning, which puts him in an easily-KOed position. Also, I missed Thoron because the water gushed upwards from beneath Robin, which is why I named this video what I did. I don't think I get a lot of description-readers who are fans of Disney Theme Parks though.

Match: Quick Play
Town and City (Battlefield)
Stock (2 Stock, 7 Minutes)
I AM PLAYER 1 (Young Link)
Player 2: Mond (Samus)
Player 3: Booboo (Cloud)
Music: "Title Theme - Animal Crossing"
I was taken out so quickly in this one, I couldn't even be mad. And not by any of my opponents, but by myself. Remember that Self-Destructs remove 2 Stocks, and in a 2-Stock match, an early Self-Destruct means you're out. That must have been a relief for these other two, considering they hadn't laid a finger on me and might have been expecting me to win. By the way, I'm a bit disappointed that Smashville and Town and City, when in their Battlefield and Omega forms, don't have the characters standing in the back. There's no reason why they shouldn't still be there, considering background characters in similar locations in other stages are still there, like Whispy Woods and Death. Oh yes, and jut like Umbra Clock Tower, the clocks in this stage are synchronized to the system clock too.

Match: Second Opinion
Super Mario Maker (Omega)
Stock ( 3 Stock, 5 Minutes)
I AM PLAYER 1 (Jigglypuff)
Player 2: Enwu (Dr. Mario)
Player 3: ミDreaмzzZ— (Dr. Mario)
Music: "Ground Theme - Super Mario Series"
Apparently, Jigglypuff really needs a checkup or something, because we got two Dr. Marios here. At the very least, I'm not going to confuse my character with another player's. Jigglypuff may be a lot lighter than Dr. Mario, also, but Dr. Mario's recovery is a lot worse. Apparently, both Dr. Marios decided throwing out Megavitamins was the key to success, because Jigglypuff has no projectiles, requiring me to float over and around them. On another note, I'm pretty hyped for Super Mario Maker 2. There'll be plenty of bad courses, but there'll be some very fun ones too. I WILL be getting Super Mario Maker 2, and if you do, sned me some courses you want me to play!


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