Finding Your Purpose - Part III

Описание к видео Finding Your Purpose - Part III

Are you taking action in any way to develop yourself and make your gifts, anointings, and talents more useful for Christ? Purpose is not a destination but a fulfilling, life-long pursuit. But many times, we need to be actively sharpening the tools that God gave us to kick-start our journey. Let's be intentional in taking skillful dominion for Christ!

Come join The Araba Tree and grow with us! 🌳


Are you ready to live a purpose-filled life with Christ?:

"Lord, I recognize my need for a savior and that my sin stops me from living the life you have called me to. Thank you for sending Jesus, your perfect Son, to die for my sins and that He rose again. I believe in my heart that you are my Lord and Savior. Amen!"

If this is your first time saying this prayer, welcome to God's family and The Araba Tree! Go out and tell someone your good news! :)


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