Juliet's Balcony - FULL VIDEO TOUR (Casa di Giulietta, Verona, Italy)

Описание к видео Juliet's Balcony - FULL VIDEO TOUR (Casa di Giulietta, Verona, Italy)

We decided to stop by Verona while driving from Milan to Venice... It's perfectly on the way and is a great stopping point to visit Juliet's Balcony! We parked just two blocks away while driving aimlessly through narrow market streets! Great experience! You can visit the courtyard and gift shop for free and pay extra to climb onto the balcony!

Juliet Capulet (Italian: Giulietta Capuleti) is the female protagonist and one of two title characters in William Shakespeare's romantic love tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Juliet is the only daughter of Capulet, the patriarch of the Capulet family. The story has a long history that precedes Shakespeare himself.

Casa di Giulietta
The entrance wall known as Juliet's wall
In Verona, an early 14th-century house at Via Cappello no. 23, claiming to be the Capulets' has been turned into a tourist attraction but it is mostly empty. It features the balcony, and in the small courtyard, a bronze statue of Juliet. It is one of the most visited sites in the town. The metal of its chest is worn bare due to a legend that if a person strokes the right breast of the statue, that person will have good fortune and luck in love.[8]

Many people write their names and the names of their beloved ones on the walls of the entrance, known as Juliet's wall. Many believe that writing on that place will make their love everlasting. After a restoration and cleaning of the building, it was intended that further writing should be on replaceable panels[9] or white sheets[10] placed outside the wall.

It is also a tradition to put small love letters on the walls (which is done by the thousands each year), which are regularly taken down by employees to keep the courtyard clean.[11]

Another tradition that occurs in Juliet's courtyard is writing your name and that of your loved one on a lock and attaching it to a large ornamental gate in the back left. The gate is overwhelmed with locks that hold hope for lasting love. This tradition is seen throughout Europe on bridges and gates all over cities.

Club di Giulietta
Since the 1930s, letters addressed to Juliet keep arriving in Verona. As of 2010, more than 5,000 letters are received annually, three quarters of which are from women. The largest single group of senders are American teenagers.[12] The letters are read and replied to by local volunteers, organized since the 1980s in the Club di Giulietta (Juliet Club), which is financed by the City of Verona.[12] The club has been the subject of a book by Lise and Ceil Friedman and is the setting for a 2008 book by Suzanne Harper and a 2010 USA movie, Letters to Juliet.

Video Title: Juliet's Balcony - FULL VIDEO TOUR (Casa di Giulietta, Verona, Italy)

Video File Created Date: 04 December 2016 (Video may or may not have been captured on this date, it shows the date the video was last converted.)

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