UNITS OF Measurements

Описание к видео UNITS OF Measurements

The units of measurement are the units that are used to represent physical quantities like length, mass, temperature, current, area, volume, intensity, etc. We use different measurement units to represent the magnitude of the physical quantities including the traditional units, the Metric System of units, the imperial system of units, and US customary units. Units of measurement have also evolved and played a crucial role from the early ages till the present. We use the measuring units to compare how large or small a physical quantity is as compared to the basic standard quantity.

In this article, we shall explore the concept of metric and imperial units of measurement. We will also discuss the various measurement units used for measuring length, mass, time, temperature, and volume. Generally, we measure almost everything around us in our daily lives such as how many hours we have worked and slept, the amount of water we drink, our body weight, height, distance traveled on foot and by car. We shall solve various examples using the different units of measurement for a better understanding of the concept.


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