Thank you

Описание к видео Thank you

Warning: swear words in this!

You can listen to it on Spotify here:

All music production by @seansayshello
Guitar and piano by @seansayshello
Filmed by the wonderful @nyralang
Help from the brilliant @seeseven
Beautiful wall of art and family photos by @allyhoots

My friend @seansayshello and I wrote this song and filmed the video a year ago - but never released it. It’s taken me such a long time to complete, with several things out of my control like a failed hard drive (that was the grand finale this week). More on that below.

This song is an imaginary story about two Australian siblings who lose their single mother to lung cancer. Unable, like so many, to cope with such immense loss, they turn on each other.

Sean and I started making it as a bit of a piss-take of folky emo bands but then we got fully into it…because who can’t relate to family estrangement and loss?

Rick Rubin said in his fantastic book about making art called The Creative Act;
“Sometimes meaning follows the work. Sometimes we only understand the meaning later”.

I didn’t understand why I literally COULD NOT finish editing this video. And now I think I get it; first I had to say the words of the poem “Lost” by David Wagoner, say them out loud in the forest (this was the last video I made) and, most importantly, a few weeks ago I was able to cross paths with my middle brother. I hadn’t spoken to him in five years and by coincidence he met my son for the first time and saw my daughter again.

#mourningwould #creativespirit #accordny #originalmusic #upstateny


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