Canal Beagle II. Islas Bridges

Описание к видео Canal Beagle II. Islas Bridges

En Enero de 2018, en nuestro viaje a Argentina, tuvimos la oportunidad de navegar por el Canal de Beagle desde Ushuaia. Además de ver los cormoranes y a los lobos marinos, pudimos andar por una de las Islas Bridges, pudiendo ver su fauna y plantas naturales, que son motivo del presente vídeo.
El tema musical es: Soft Motivational Ambient Bacgraund de Audiosphere (Jamendo).
In January 2018, on our trip to Argentina, we had the opportunity to navigate on Beagle Channel from Ushuaia. In addition to see cormorants and t sea lions, we were able to walk on one of the Bridges Islands, watching its fauna and natural plants, which are the reason for this video.
The theme song is: Soft Motivational Ambient Background by Audiosphere (Jamendo).


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