Using Market Correlations in Day Trading

Описание к видео Using Market Correlations in Day Trading

The use of market correlations in day trading is powerful yet often misunderstood. As someone that works with professional traders, Peter Davies has yet to meet a single one that doesn’t use the relationships between markets in their trading.

Considering how simple the use of correlated markets is, it is strange that so many traders overlook it. Many feel that reading 3 markets is 3 times as much work as reading 1 market. But you aren’t trying to read every tick of the related markets. You need to narrow your focus to just a few key, beneficial data points.

In this session, we reveal both the reasons these correlations exist and how to make use of them in very practical terms. We’ll be giving you actionable information. Information you can implement and measure the improvements. Information that requires no leap of faith. In particular, we will focus on:

• Arbitrage – the glue holding markets together
• The illusion of complexity – Why using correlated markets looks complex but isn’t.
• Market State – essential in selecting trade strategy as the trading day develops.
• Trade Confirmation/Refinement – using correlations to avoid bad trades, get better prices
• Trade Management – in with the good, out with the bad
• Short term value – Trading without price!
• Using Charts vs DOMs – Choosing the right tools to track correlations
• Thinner/Thicker correlated markets


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