3 Stocks: 3 Example Trading Strategies | Trading a Smaller Account | 1-6-25

Описание к видео 3 Stocks: 3 Example Trading Strategies | Trading a Smaller Account | 1-6-25

Trading a Smaller Account | Barbara Armstrong | 1-6-25
Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. https://bit.ly/2v9tH6D

In this webcast, we reviewed 3 bullish trading strategies and placed 3 example trades on 3 different stocks on the thinkorswim paperMoney platform. Those 3 strategies included: a long stock position with a swing target & stop loss order, a long call vertical and a long call with a 1atr target.

Do you have a smaller account ($5,000? $10,000? $25,000?) or are you interested in trading a smaller portion of your larger account? Explore ways to trade, manage, define risk and learn about options strategies in this Active Trader class.

Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Please read the Options Disclosure Document titled "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options" before considering any option transaction.

Follow Barb Armstrong on X: BarbArmstrongCS

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