Sarag Bhavanthi Maati - Mohammad Khimani

Описание к видео Sarag Bhavanthi Maati - Mohammad Khimani

From the realm of heaven the clay (male chromosome) was ordered, o brother, the clay (female chromosome) was ordered. Then, Lord, together You caused the body's forms to be fashioned. In the circle of the face, You lit two lamps, and within the heart You recited the Word.
We are strangers who have come from afar, brother, and have very far still to go. O God, how do I know, o Lord, how do I know what will happen, or how the Lord will check my account? May the Creator forgive our sins.. ..1

After the clay was dug, the palaces were made. The holy abodes were fashioned, brother, the holy abodes were fashioned. The foolish creature says, 'These houses are mine'. But death will come and take away the soul. O creature, lonely is the abode which lies ahead for you.. ..2

You must sleep in a hole in the ground, with the earth above you, brother, with the earth above you, into which your flesh will be mingled as one. Your flesh will mingle with the earth, and over you, o creature, the grass will grow.. ..3

Raaja Ravan's city of Lanka was a city of gold, like Raaja Bhoj's city of Dhaara. But do not be proud of your wealth and youth, do not be filled with selfish pride, for it will not be long before you depart.. ..4

Some are asleep while others are awake, but few are those creatures who earn to meritorious effect. The whole world is asleep, only the Creator is awake, Khudawand (God) is awake. This is the sum of what Faajal Shah, the sage has said.. ..5

Eji Sarag bhavanthi maati ma(n)gaai, bhai mitadi ma(n)gaai
Saa(n)hiya mili kari ghaat ghadaaya
Jire mukh-ke mandal doe divda jagaaya
Ghat andar shabad sooñaaya ji

Ham pardeshi durthi aaya, bhai duraj chalña
Allah kiya re jaañu(n), Mawla kiya re jaañu(n), kiya hoyshe
Jire keñi per Saheb maaro lekha leshe
Khaalak goonaah bakshe.. ..1

Eji Maati khodi khodi mohol banaaya, bhai mindar chooñaaya
Bando murakh kahe ghar mera
Jire aavego jamdo ne le jaave jivdo
Bande uth aagal ghar tera.. ..Jire ham..2

Eji Dar andar soña ne upar maati, bhai upar mitadi
Maa(n)he rali bhili jaae(n)ga maas
Jire maas miti maa(n)he rali bhili jaayshe
Bande upar ugega ghaas.. ..Jire ham..3

Eji Raaja raavañ keri lanka nagari, sone keri nagari
Raaja bhoj sarikhi nagari dhaara
Jire dhan re joban kero girabh na kije, ahankaar na kije
Taaku(n) jaata na laage vaar. ..Jire ham..4

Eji Koi jañ suta ne koi jañ jaage
Banda koi koi kare re kamaai
Jire sab joog suta mero Khaalak jaage, Khudawand jaage
Pir bolya Faajal Shah savaai.. ..Jire ham..5

English translation adapted from Zawahir Moir & Christopher Shackle.
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