The Marvel Zombies concept first appeared in Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-23 (2005) by writer Mark Millar and artist Greg Land. The premise is that almost all superpowered beings on Earth become flesh-eating zombies after being infected by an alien virus. Although encountered by a character from the Ultimate universe, the zombies originated in the alternate universe of (Earth-2149).] The zombies later appeared in Ultimate Fantastic Four #30 32 (2006).
The Sentry, Frightful Four, Spider-Man, Hulk, Ironman, Captain America, Thor, Galactus, Silver Surfer, The Wasp, Yellow Jacket, Magento, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Angel, Luke Cage, Spider Woman, Power Cosmic, Mary Jane Watson, Mysterio, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, The Thing, Mister Fantastic, The Falcon, Storm, Black Bolt, Guardian, Cannonball, Gorgon, Quicksilver, Dazzler, Ant-man, Swordsman, Elektra, Beast, Crystal, Giant Man, Iron Man, Moon Knight, Black Cat, Hellcat, Nighthawk, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Colossus, Juggernaut, Rhino, Red Skull, Super Skrull, Green Goblin, Superman, Lobo, Wonder Woman, Superboy, Batman.
In an alternative universe 2149, a zombified Sentry infects the Avengers. The infection spreads via contact with the blood of the victim, usually through a bite by an infected individual. The zombified superbeings largely retain their intellect and personality, although they are constantly driven by the hunger for fresh meat.
After rescuing Ultimate Reed Richards of the 1610 world, Magneto eventually learns that the Acolytes and Forge are still alive on Asteroid M. However, before he can reach them, he is killed and eaten (but not before beheading Hawkeye). The Silver Surfer then arrives on Earth and informs the zombies that his master Galactus is en route to devour the planet. The zombies attack the Surfer, who is overpowered and devoured by several of the former heroes: Colonel America (the Captain America of this universe), Iron Man, Giant-Man, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, the Hulk and Wolverine. After acquiring a portion of the Power Cosmic, they slaughter the remaining zombified heroes.
Greg Land, Arthur Suydam, Sean Phillips, Steve McNiven.
Video - Marvel Comics
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