Ezekiel 38 39 and Revelation 16, Is This It

Описание к видео Ezekiel 38 39 and Revelation 16, Is This It

Revelation 16

One of the purposes of the bowls of God’s wrath is the Return of Jesus

v. 12 and 16 bowl of wrath is try up the Euphrates so the armies of the Revised Roman Empire can travel across to the valley of Jezreel, v. 16.

The judgements that are going to be poured out are poured out in rapid succession, one right after another.

So, if one of the purposes of the seven bowls are to set up the return of Christ and they are in rapid succession, What does that tell you?

It tells you this series of righteous judgements take place right before the return of Jesus Christ.

Many believe this will happen at the end of the Tribulation.

Verse 1: This verse is God’s voice. The glory of God fills the temple. No one can enter the temple until the seven bowls are poured out.

Time to rap this thing up.

Verse 2: “sores” is translated from the Greek word “Helkos”. It refers to a “suppurated wouldn.” That means it is “oozing pus.” Ugly and painful. Also means pernicious. These sores cause serious injuries. That is why they can be referred to Malignant sores.

These sores do not afflict everyone. Only those who have taken the mark of the beast and have worshipped the beast.

Verse 3: to John and all the Jews of His day, the sea was the Mediterranean Sea. But actually means all of the oceans and since most of all the earths service is covered with water this is going to be a natural disaster such as the world has never seen.

Each series of Judgements become more severe.

Blood like that of a dead men. It will be blood like a jelly and colligates. Every living sea creature. Everything.

Verse 4: As a result of this plague there will not be any fresh drinking water anywhere on the earth. Turns into blood but not like a dead man because it remains fluid. One of the reason it remains fluid because men will be forced to drink it.

This is also why most scholars these bowls of wrath take place in the last month or two of the Tribulation. Because, drinking this you couldn’t live very long.

Verses 5,6, and 7 tells why God does this!

Another Words, THIS IS JUSTICE! God will have judged those who shed the blood of His prophets and the saints. Because they shed the blood of the prophets and saints, God forces them to drink blood for the very thing they are guilty of.

Verse 8-9, This plague intensifies the Suns heat. As a result they are seared by this intense heat. Seared is translated from the Greek word “know-mat-id-zo”, which means to severely burned.

This word to severely burned, a third degree burn. Damages the muscles and bone.

Look at the response of the people, instead of repenting the blame God, which is true. He doing this because of their sinfulness. Now the people start to blaspheme God. They take on the character of the Beast.

Verses 10-11, This bowl is thrown out on the Throne of the Beast. By this it is the Anti-christ kingdom that is affected.

Revelation 17: 9-13. The beast belongs to the seventh Kingdom, the revised Roman Empire. But he is also considered to be an eighth king, another words the beast has his own distinct kingdom.

So what verses 10-11 in Revelation 16 is poured out on the throne of the beast or the beast’s kingdom. This could be upon the world.
In order to show the world that the beast’s kingdom is the kingdom of darkness. So he is going to show the world how dark the beast’s kingdom is dark.

Verse 11 tells us they curse God because they are still experiencing the burns and the sores. So this happens quickly one at time close together overlapping each other.

Verse 12: The purpose of drying up the Euphrates River, is to prepare a way for the kings of the East to move their armies to Armageddonm.

Verse 16: Gathered in a place in Hebrew that is called Armageddon.
It is not enough to get the kings to bring their armies to valley of Jezreel. Something else is going to have to entice them to come.

Look at verses 13-14, The reason these evil spirits come out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet is because they’re seducing spirits.

Watch this, the reason they have to seduce the Kingdoms of the east to bring their armies to Armageddon is because they’re not a part of the Revived Roman Empire. The Revived Roman Empire are the nations around the Mediterranean and the middle east.

Verse 15: Who is doing the talking here in verse 15? Jesus is speaking here. This is interesting, we are getting to the finally, the very end of the tribulation. All of sudden when the sixth bowl is poured out Jesus interrupts the vision.

What is Jesus saying? He is warning not to be on the earth when this happens. He is warning us not to miss the church being caught up.

I am going to come like a thief! You better be ready!

Verse 16 tells us, that everything is set up at this point for the grand finally. The Second Coming of Christ.


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