R - Multigroup CFA with lavaan Example

Описание к видео R - Multigroup CFA with lavaan Example

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Fall 2019

This video updates the older version of the multigroup confirmatory factor analysis examples. This version uses a newer package and shows you how to complete the steps of a multigroup analysis even if you don't want to use that package. Learn how to compare groups in CFA for configural, metric, scalar, and strict residual invariance, followed by a few ways to calculate latent means. I also talk very briefly about equivalence testing - more on that to come!

Complete outline of the SEM course is here: https://statisticsofdoom.com/page/str....
The materials for this lecture are on our OSF page: https://osf.io/2y67f/


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