Kingdom of Amalur : How to get Flawless Damaging Bindings/Rivet/Grip

Описание к видео Kingdom of Amalur : How to get Flawless Damaging Bindings/Rivet/Grip

warning : may result to overkill, sending all your target to fly away in a single weapon hit..
** much power.

spoiler for you :P :
1. you will need to install KoA:R first DLC, The Legend of Dead Kel.
2. Level up to 40 before proceeding to do any of the DLC contents/quests.
3. After hitting 40, do all "The Legend of Dead Kel" quests.
4. spoiler You will eventually unlock the Gravehal faction. The questline can be found here
5. spoiler Myfa Rhonwen will become your envoy, doing any diplomatic mission for Gravehal Keep. Info about her

Good luck, I can't give out too much spoilers as this game progression is pretty straight forward, its not that hard. Have fun :D


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