THE ADVOCATES - St Kilda Festival

Описание к видео THE ADVOCATES - St Kilda Festival

The Advocates performing alongside Melbourne's Urban Dance Community at St. Kida Festival. A fun day with fun people.

The Advocates are a crew under the brand Inner Movement. They live and promote Inner Movement's belief that Internal Conditioning is the key to happiness and that dance is a great platform to practice this belief. Also, dancing with the homies is always fun :)

Lowell Demetita
Gian 'Antagonize' De Felipe
Ajay Rodriguez
Jules Dumas
Christopher Oray

Songs / Choreogaphy:
Mizu - Don't be Sorry / Jules Dumas and Lowell Demetita
Usher - You'll be in my heart / Jules Dumas and Ajay Rodriguez
Lido ft THEY - Not enough / Lowell Demetita

For bookings email us at:
[email protected]

Inner Movement
Dance coaching and development

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