Kung Fu Fools Bullshido - Black Belch Edition - McDojo - Fake Martial Arts

Описание к видео Kung Fu Fools Bullshido - Black Belch Edition - McDojo - Fake Martial Arts

Gerthy Berthy has that “I used to be a prison guard but was fired for undisclosed reasons” type of vibe.Here she is demonstrating how to get away from a creepazoid if a game of patty cakes goes horribly wrong.Ugh, just look at that mug. She's got the face only a Waffle House manager could love.

This guy couldn't be more Italian American if he was born in the back of a pizzeria, named Tony Pepperoni, and had a pair of meatballs dangling from his camaro. But let's see what kind of kung fu Pasquale Parmesan can teach us.

Now what can I say about George “Dill Pickle” Dillman....karate expert, martial arts master, supposed friend of Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali, unofficial mascot of butter, and a 43 rd degree black belt in 42 nd black belt degrees of 90 th black belts. This guy looks more like a used underwear salesman than a martial artist. But Dillman's real claim to fame is his uncanny ability to knock out people who work for him by way of hitting pressure points and being able to control invisible haduken energy. Dillman will now explain why a non believer wasn't knocked out by a touch-less knock out.

And the great thing about Bullshito masters is their ability to over explain everything. Here he is spending an hour and a half explaining how he magically karate chops flimsy boards. Yes, you heard me correctly - an hour and a half explaining how to break “show boards”. I'll skip to the “best” parts...if there is such a thing in a Dillman video.

Meanwhile in the dank dark depths of Mother Russia lived a former Colonel named Mikhail Ryabko. Here he is putting Kung fu magic to the test. When did suppressing the need to cry out in pain become a martial art? And when did having a fat belly to absorb body shots become a way of self defence? Looks like some tears are being held back.

But let's see what other sharts of martial arts wisdom he can pull out of his magic hat. I don't say this very often but I'd love to put on the red apples and go a round with clown pants. I'm not trained in the martial arts but good news for me, neither is he. I have more faith in the fighting skills of Colonel Sanders than Colonel Rybko.

Here Nurse John is explaining the Poison Hand technique....Ah yes, the Poison hand technique...I knew a girl in college like that. She could peel a pole vault stick and leave your zipper mouse rawer than a sushi bar.

Meanwhile, in the soft fluffy mind of a seven year old Finnish boy, who stayed up past his bedtime dressed in Steven Seagal pyjamas, and who just binged watched Kung Fu movies while eating dumplings lived an imaginary man named Jukka Lampila. Jukka can not only build Ikea furniture without looking at instructions, but he can do anything a little boy can imagine!

Let's continue this torture train of Kung Fools with taking a peek at the Ghost Blade Gang - who are only slightly less tough than the Scooby Doo Gang.

Last on the hit list is Master Guy Savelli and his Wong Duck Dong driller killer thriller technique. This manoeuvre has more awkward touching in it than a casting call with Kevin Spacey. Let's see that again....pressure point Number 31 - the frumunda point. Number 83 - the chode. Number 44 - the phlem Number 896 to 933 - the upper left nipple quadrant and the don't tickle me there elmo pressure point to finish him off....and some sort of bizarre back pat.

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