40 out of 40 in the IELTS Listening Exam in just 9 Minutes

Описание к видео 40 out of 40 in the IELTS Listening Exam in just 9 Minutes

Dear Learners,
I hope you all are doing well. In this session, using my most effective tips, I have explained the most effective techniques for scoring 7.5 BAND or above in the IELTS Exam. Even if you are at the BAND 6 level, you can easily get your desired BAND scores in the next attempt.
Call/WhatsApp +91-7347081010 if you face problems in any of the 4 modules of the IELTS & PTE Exams.

00:00 - Intro

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If we are meeting for the first time, my name is Sonam Sandhu and this channel is about helping you improve your IELTS & PTE exam scores.
Call/WhatsApp +91-7347081010 for One-on-One IELTS & PTE classes.

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