MMTthe apex body of monpa community organised a Losar function at LAC near Bumla pass

Описание к видео MMTthe apex body of monpa community organised a Losar function at LAC near Bumla pass

Bumla/Tawang ::: 11/3/2023:::
Monpa Mimang Tsogpa (MMT) the apex body of monpa community today organised a Losar function at LAC near Bumla which is situated at an altitude of 15200 FT. AMSL. The aim of the function was to felicitate the Soldiers gaurding our borders to make them part of the celebration of local festival and to pay gratitude for their selfless service towards nation.
Hundreds of tourists visiting Bumla also enjoyed the cultural shows and lunch with Indian army soldiers and organisers. The Dy. Commander of Tawang brigade as Chief Guest alongwith other senior army officers attended the function.
Secretary general of MMT Namgey Tsering with other executive members offered khadas to all the soldiers and tourists with Losar wishes. While the monks from Tawang monastery performed rituals by hoisting religious prayer flags.
Speaking on the occassion Namgey Tsering said, safety, good health and happiness to all our soldiers and their family members are always there in our prayers, but we seldom get opportunity to celebrate our festivals with soldiers. So this time we have planned this function at LAC to boost the morale of our soldiers and to convey the message that if needed people of Tawang are always behind our soldiers. We are able to celebrate festivals and enjoy good sleep because our soldiers are sacrificing their comforts for us, Secretary general conveyed his gratitude to Commander Tawang brigade Brigadier NM Bendigeri,Sena Medal for taking initiatives to strengthen the bonding of civil military relation and extending support and
cooperation to the people of Tawang whenever and wherever asked for. He said that under the commandership of Brigadier NM Bendigeri Tawang has witnessed new heights of civil army bonhomie.
Deputy Commander expressed his gratitude to the people of Tawang for their support and love and said this would further strengthen the already strong relation between Indian army and civil public of Tawang.
The traditional dances and Solo performances by Sonam Yangchin, Tenzin Choiphel, and Tashi drema made all present in the function to rise from their seats and enjoy.
It was a lifetime experience and shall cherish the memory of such beautiful function at LAC on 15200 ft commented the tourists visiting from different parts of the country.
The MMT is planning more such functions with our soldiers in other border posts of the district in days to come informed Secretary General MMT, Namgey Tsering.

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