Health & illness | ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS A1-A2 | Diseases in English | Vocabulary

Описание к видео Health & illness | ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS A1-A2 | Diseases in English | Vocabulary

[eng] If you have just started learning English, this video will introduce some basic words to describe your health problems and symptoms.

Here are the phrases I used in the video:

- I am not feeling well - [esp] no me siento muy bien - [rus] мне нехорошо
- I feel better - [esp] me siento mejor - [rus] мне лучше
- to catch a cold - [esp] resfriarse - [rus] простудиться
- a headache - [esp] el dolor de cabeza - [rus] головная боль
- a fever - [esp] la fiebre - [rus] высокая температура
- a flu - [esp] la gripe - [rus] грипп
- symptoms - [esp] los síntomas - [rus] симптомы
- to cough - [esp] toser - [rus] кашлять
- a toothache - [esp] el dolor de muelas - [rus] зубная боль
- a stomachache - [esp] el dolor de estómago - [rus] боль в животе
- a sore throat - [esp] el dolor de garganta - [rus] боль в горле
- sneezing - [esp] el estornudo - [rus] чихание
- to be allergic to something - [esp] ser alérgico a also - [rus] иметь аллергию на что-то
- a heart attack - [esp] el ataque al corazón - [rus] сердечный приступ
- a cancer - [esp] el cáncer - [rus] рак
- an ambulance - [esp] la ambulancia - [rus] скорая помощь
- a hospital - [esp] el hospital - [rus] скорая помощь

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