Qutub Minar की History इतनी Controversial क्यों ? | What's the Truth? | EP-30

Описание к видео Qutub Minar की History इतनी Controversial क्यों ? | What's the Truth? | EP-30

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Hello friends and welcome to the episode number 30 of Hyper Quest. Friends, you will find dozens of videos on YouTube about the controversial history of Qutub Minar, almost all the popular news channels have covered this topic, some believe it to be Vishnu Stambh and some treat it as an Islamic structure, But today, keeping all the biases aside, we will talk about some new aspects and secrets about this skyscraper, which will explain to you why the history of Qutub Minar is not straight as a stick, but an unending whirl of uncertainities.

#qutubminar #delhi #indianhistory
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Intro: (0:00)

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