How to Pin Baste a Quilt with Nickel-Finish Safety Pins

Описание к видео How to Pin Baste a Quilt with Nickel-Finish Safety Pins

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My quilt is ready to quilt, and so it's time to baste the backing, batting and top together. Because this quilt is small, I decided to use safety pins to baste the layers together. I am using Dritz Safety Pins with a Nickel Finish.

These pins won't rust and ruin my quilt. There have been times in the past where I have pinned a quilt and not finished it for several months. If I use a regular safety pin, I run the risk of the pin rusting and leaving a rust mark in my quilt top. But the Dritz Safety Pins with a Nickel Finish eliminate the risk of rusting. Even though I am going to quilt this quilt right away, I only use these special safety pins with my quilt tops.

Happy Quilting,


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