I Hate the Way My Body Looks (Talking About Male Body Image Issues)

Описание к видео I Hate the Way My Body Looks (Talking About Male Body Image Issues)

I hate the way my body looks! And I know I’m not the only guy with body image issues out there. It’s one of many male self confidence issues that don’t get talked about very much.

Male body confidence is something I’ve struggled with personally. I’ve always been embarrassed about my body. It has always looked “off” since my drastic weight loss.

Being shirtless in public is something I NEVER do. I even leave my shirt on when I’m swimming!

And it’s even a main reason why I am still a virgin in my 30’s. I look terrible naked and I don’t want to be seen naked at all! Doing anything that requires that sound awful. And it’s one of the things that has led me to a TFL (also known as true forced loneliness as well) lifestyle.


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