Write an A+ essay about ART in 4 STEPS!

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Ellie Pinzarrone shares four steps for creatives to consider when writing a visual analysis.

Created by Ellie Pinz Studio

Four tips specifically for creative minds to help you get an A+ when you are writing about art
I never sit down and write a perfect essay intro, content, and conclusion.

For me writing about art is more like putting together a puzzle! That is the mindset you should have when you approach your writing project!

The painting we'll be using for this exercise is Vermeer's "A Lady Writing" c. 1665. courtesy of the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC

Step 1: Make a mini Mind Map. Make a mini drawing of the painting to help you see the shapes more clearly! Around the drawing make little descriptive notes, include your general observations (what you SEE not THINK) describe using elements of art: line, color, light, shape, figures, space, surface plane, and texture

Step 2: The Nutshell: Based on your observations if you had to describe it in a nutshell what would you say? What does the work remind you of?

Step 3: What has the artist achieved in this painting? Evaluate the work based on visual evidence

Step 4: Organize in paragraph format! Description, analysis, and evaluation! Start and end with a POW!


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