狠人胡春华3 结合政府原始文件解读胡春华的深水区 Hu Chunhua's deep waters

Описание к видео 狠人胡春华3 结合政府原始文件解读胡春华的深水区 Hu Chunhua's deep waters

胡春华接手的是一个相当复杂的烂摊子:草原生态危机、牧民生存危机、蒙古族游牧文化危机,三重危机叠加;东西、蒙古之间矛盾最激烈,行政效率低下,法治水平混乱,民怨沸腾。在这样的背景下,胡春华紧紧拉住胡锦涛和习近平,果决处置体现了他的勇气和担当,做了他这一生最有意义的一些事。我将政府的原始电子文档一并贴出,供大家直观感受。Hu Chunhua took over an extremely complex situation: overlapping crises of grassland ecology, herder survival, and Mongolian nomadic culture; fierce conflicts between the east, west, and Mongolians; low administrative efficiency; chaotic legal standards; and boiling public grievances. In this context, Hu Chunhua firmly aligned with Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping, and his decisive actions reflected his courage and responsibility, marking some of the most meaningful deeds of his life. I will also post the original government electronic documents for everyone to directly perceive.


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