Health and Longevity: Horary Chart Analysis

Описание к видео Health and Longevity: Horary Chart Analysis

Health and Longevity issue through Horary Astrology using CIL theory of Mr. SP Khulkar sir.

Based upon Cusp Interlinks Horary Astrology is a predictive astrology that uses sub-sub and cuspal interlinks theory. It is in tune with the Nadi and Navamsa concept of Nadi Astrology. Nobody has yet made any attempt to handle the subject of Horary Astrology in such a simple, lucid and scientific way. Status of health and longevity pertaining to ascendant, 3rd and 8th house have been dealt to enable to master the scientific way of predictive techniques. The treatment suggested is definite and orderly. Timing events and use of transits will be explained in very clear, practical, illustrative and rational basis in coming videos.

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