Mix Veg+Bloom Hard/Tap

Описание к видео Mix Veg+Bloom Hard/Tap

Veg+Bloom Hard/Tap Pepper Nutrients

(Hydroton) I was referring to Hydroguard I'm not sure why I keep saying hydroton. like clay pebbles.

Hydroguard mix first .5 - 1.0 ml

Cal/Mag second 1/32 tsp

Veg+Bloom Hard/Tap mix last 1/4 tsp

I chose this order because I wanted to mix in as little chemistry as possible so the Tap watet would gradually break down the grains of mix.

Pepper Plant Purple Carolina Reaper

I hardly put any cal / mag to prevent deficiencies.
same for Hydroguard, prevent harmful bacteria/overdose

Veg Bloom is technically at full dose once a week


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