Advice To My 24-year-old Younger Self Feeling Lost In Life

Описание к видео Advice To My 24-year-old Younger Self Feeling Lost In Life

When I was 24 I had just finished university and I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do in life. I spent most of the time worrying that I had not got everything figured out yet and feeling like everyone else around me had their lives sorted. I also panicked about if a job would develop into a good enough career and when I was made redundant at age 26 from a good job, I thought that was my chance to do something with my life over.

At 30 years old now, I am so grateful that I didn’t have a plan in place at this young age because it meant that I got to experience different things that I may not have been able to experience if I had a plan. I could not be more thankful for being made redundant as I was never really happy in that line of work and I would have never found what I am actually passionate about.

Anyway, in this video, I say the things I wish I could have told myself when I was 24 and feeling so lost in life and if you are feeling lost in life yourself then I hope this video helps you out.

Thanks for the support and have a great day!


  / harryhas  



[email protected]


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