20120610 Shangri-La Yunnan China 中国云南香格里拉

Описание к видео 20120610 Shangri-La Yunnan China 中国云南香格里拉

We arrived at the paradise Shangri-La and visited the Gedun Songzanlin Temple scenic area, which has a history of more than 300 years and is known as the "Little Potala Palace" and looks like an ancient castle. There is also the Shudu Lake Scenic Area, which is surrounded by lush green mountains and virgin forests.

Gandan Songzanlin Temple:
Gandan Songzanlin Temple, also known as Guihua Temple, is the largest and most distinctive Tibetan Buddhist temple complex in Yunnan, with more than 700 monks. It is 5 kilometers away from Shangri-La County and can be reached by bus. The entire temple is modeled after the Potala Palace in Lhasa, and is stacked up along the mountain. It is extraordinary and has the reputation of "Little Potala Palace". There is an elliptical wall built on the periphery. The main hall is majestic and gorgeous. The murals in the hall are colorful and delicate, mainly describing historical allusions and promoting Buddhist teachings. Every year on the 29th day of the 11th lunar month, Tibetans hold the Gedong Festival, which is mainly based on "dancing gods" (mask dance). The atmosphere is mysterious and strong. The construction of the temple started in 1679 and the basic construction was completed in 1681. The fifth Dalai Lama named it "the place where the three gods wander and rest" and "Ganden Songzanlin". "Ganden" means Gandan Temple, which was first built by Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Yellow Sect. The old translation of Buddhist language is Tushita Heaven. "Songzan" means the playground of the three gods of heaven: the three heavens formed by Indra, Mahamudra and Lousu, namely the Thirty-three Heavens. "Lin" means temple. In general, it means "all exoteric and esoteric teachings are not achieved in one practice. In order to make the source of the pure Dharma continuously benefit sentient beings and make them perfect, this temple is specially built". The largest Gelugpa temple in Diqing was officially built. In the second year of Yongzheng's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1724 AD), the Qing Dynasty named it "Guihua Temple". After that, Songzanlin Temple was favored and rewarded repeatedly by the governor of Yunnan and successive emperors of the Qing Dynasty, and achieved an extremely high status. With a large number of believers, it became the largest Tibetan Buddhist holy place in Yunnan. The temple architecture can be said to be a collection of the quintessence of Tibetan religious culture. The buildings are magnificent, with gilded copper tiles of various shapes, eaves with beast-horns and flying mouths, and the spacious and magnificent Zhacang Hall. There are many Buddha statues enshrined in the hall: the Kun Pagoda is tall and sacred, and the murals on the west wing on both sides are exquisitely carved. It shows the profoundness of Buddhism, interprets the rich connotations of Buddhist scriptures, resounds with the Buddha's preaching of saving all living beings, and is a hall filled with Buddha's light.

Shudu Lake Scenic Area:
Shudu Lake Scenic Area is located near Pudacuo National Park, and is home to a large number of wild ducks, water hyacinths, yellow ducks and other birds. It is located 35 kilometers northeast of Shangri-La. The lake is surrounded by trees that block out the sun. The surrounding green mountains are lush and the primeval forest blocks out the sun. The birch forests on the east side of the lake are golden in autumn. The spruce and fir trees in the mountains are tall and strong, reaching the sky, and the tree crowns are dense and green, which can shelter from wind and rain. Musk deer, bears, leopards, golden cats, tufted deer, Tibetan pheasants and many other rare birds and animals live in the forest.

葛丹松赞林寺: 噶丹松赞林寺又称归化寺,是云南规模最大、最具特色的藏传佛教寺庙群落,现有僧侣700余人。距香格里拉县城5公里,有巴士直达。全寺仿拉萨布达拉宫布局,依山势层叠而上,气派非凡,素有“小布达拉宫”之称。外围筑有椭圆形城垣,主殿威严而华美,殿内壁画色彩鲜艳,笔法细腻,以描述史迹典故,弘扬佛教教义为主,每年农历十一月二十九日藏民在此举行以“跳神”(面具舞)为主的格冬节气氛神秘而浓烈。1679年寺院动工,1681年完成基本建设,由五世达赖赐名为“三神游息之地”,“噶丹松赞林”。“噶丹”表示传承黄教祖师宗喀巴首建之噶丹寺,佛语旧译兜率天。“松赞”即天界三神游戏场所:帝释、猛利和娄宿三种层次形成的三天堂,即三十三天。“林”即寺。总的来说即是“一切显密非一次修成,为使无垢之法源尖不断地惠及众生,使之圆满,特建此寺”。迪庆境内最大的格鲁派寺院正式建成。至清雍正二年(公元1724年),清王朝赐定名为“归化寺”。之后,松赞林寺又得到云南巡抚及清朝历代皇帝的垂青和一再赏赐,取得了极为崇高的地位,拥有众多的信教群众,成为云南最大的藏传佛教圣地。寺院建筑可以说荟萃了藏族宗教文化的精华,建筑金碧辉煌,造型丰富多彩的镀金铜瓦,殿宇宝角兽吻飞檐,扎仓大殿宽敞恢宏殿,殿中供奉的诸多佛像:昆塔高大神圣,两侧西厢的壁画雕饰精美琳琅,这里显现着佛法的深固,这里诠释着佛经的丰富内涵,这里是响彻着佛普渡众生的布道,这里是佛光充溢的殿堂。



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