Proteins and classification|protein biochemistry|classification of protein|protein class 11 biology

Описание к видео Proteins and classification|protein biochemistry|classification of protein|protein class 11 biology

Protein is derived from the greek word 'proteios' means holding the first or of prime importance.
Classification of protein on the base of physicochemical properties
Simple proteins:
1. Albumins
2. Globulins
3. Globins
4. Histones
5. Albuminoids which are collagen , elastin and keratin proteins

Compound or conjugated proteins:
1. Nucleoproteins
2. Phosphoprotein
3. Lipoproteins
4. Metalloproteins
5. Chromoproteins

Derived Proteins:
1. Primary derived proteins
2. Secondary derived proteins which are peptines, proteioses and oligopeptides etc
On the basis of function
Proteins are classified as:
1. Catalytic proteins
2. Structural proteins
3. Hormonal proteins
4. Transport proteins
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