L-imperatur tal-Univers | Minister Duane Dalli | 19-10-2024

Описание к видео L-imperatur tal-Univers | Minister Duane Dalli | 19-10-2024

River of Love Christian Fellowship - (Malta)
Malta - Gozo - Italy - Pakistan - Kenya - Uganda - USA

Gospel Service Times:
Every Wednesday & Saturday at 7pm,
and Every Sunday at 10am.

Ħinijiet tal-Gospel Service:
Gospel Service, kull nhar ta' Erbgħa u Sibt
u Celebration Sunday service kull nhar ta' Ħadd

To view past installments of our TV-Program "Ħabbejtek" please visit:
Għall-programmi ta' Ħabbejtek żur iċ-channel tagħna

/ habbejtek

To see messages of our past services please visit/ Għal Gosepl Services tal-Passat żur:

/ riveroflovemalta

Gospel Services ikunu bil-Malti, Ingliż u bit-Taljan/All service are done in Maltese, English and Italian!

Kulħadd Mistieden/All are welcome!

For more information or for transport to come to church please call on (+356) 99239132.
Għal aktar informazzjoni jew għal trasport ċemplu fuq (+356) 99239132

Jekk tixtieq tibgħat donazzjoni, offerta ta' mħabba jew deċma tista tibgħat permezz tal-BOV App fuq in-numru tal-Komunitá (+356) 99239132.

If The Lord has touched you, saved you or healed you through this ministry of Nations for Christ Ministries & River of Love Christian Fellowship please write to us and let us rejoice with you!

If you have been blessed by this message and this ministry and you wish to help donate any financial gift and donation you may follow the information below here:

If you are donating from USA you may:

You may Donate On-Line by clicking here on the following link: click to donate here

The link will allow you to give online using Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express or via E-check straight from your bank account. You will receive a donation receipt email acknowledging the gift that states at the bottom that their gift is tax deductible due to our 501c3 status. It's really quite easy to do. Received with Thanks and much appreciated!

If you wish to mail in your love offering in a check please send in your check addressed to:

Address cheque to:
Nations for Christ Ministries
River of Love Christian Fellowship,
Tarxien Road,
Għaxaq, GXQ 2902,
Malta, (EU)

If you are from Malta or anywhere else in Europe or other parts of the World you may send your love donation and faith seed in a check/cheque, to:

Address cheque to:
Nations for Christ
P. O. Box 67
GZR 1000,

If You wish to donate directly via bank transfer from anywhere in the world you may follow this information:

Name of Account:
Nations for Christ Ministries / River of Love
Bank name: Bank of Valletta (BOV)
Acct.no: 40019261256
IBAN: MT51 VALL 2201 3000 0000 4001 9261 256
In Malta you can make a direct deposit from your BOV App to the Church Number +356-99239132

to send your donation: http://riveroflovemalta.org/giving.html

If you wish to receive our free booklet "The Promise of Jesus Christ", send us your full name and address and we will mail it to you directly to your address!

God bless you richly and abundantly through Christ Jesus our LORD!



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