PULLING FOR THE RAIDEN SHOGUN!! || 3.3 Second Half || f2p Wishes || BUILDING HER !

Описание к видео PULLING FOR THE RAIDEN SHOGUN!! || 3.3 Second Half || f2p Wishes || BUILDING HER !

Hey y’all! Today I’m going to be pulling for the Almighty Shogun. Yes I’m f2p.

The summoning ritual I’m going to do in this video:

1. Go to the area Shogun was in her character demo in the beginning (I couldn’t climb all the way up but I was just below it)

2. Do her character trial

3. Put Kujou Sara in the party and use her elemental skill

4. Wish


I’ll be also be building her in this video and leveling her up as much as I can. In the next video, I’ll show her damage progress!


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