Azazil kon tha | story of azazel | iblees ki kahani | Shaitan kaun tha | Farooqi Official Urdu Hindi

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Azazil kon tha | story of azazel | iblees ki kahani | Shaitan kaun tha | Farooqi Official Urdu Hindi

Welcome to Farooqi Official! In this video, we dive deep into the intriguing story of Azazil, the being who later became known as Shaitan (Satan). Explore the history of Azazel and uncover answers to questions like:

We narrate the iblees story in light of historical and religious accounts, discussing the reality of Iblees and his transformation. This video sheds light on iblees ki kahani, his disobedience, and his ultimate downfall. Learn about Azazeel's story, his role in history, and why he is worshipped by some as part of shaitan ki pooja.

Discover the iblees ki tareekh, from his creation to his challenges with humans, and ponder over questions like: Azazil kaun tha?, Iblees kon tha?, and Shaitan ki story. Find out about iblees ki maut and his fate according to various traditions.

This detailed discussion on Azazel kon tha | Story of Azazel | Iblees ki kahani | Shaitan kon tha is perfect for those seeking knowledge about the history of Azazel, Azazeel Shaitan, and Shaitan kaun tha.

Stay tuned for more thought-provoking content from Farooqi Official! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this video if you found it insightful.

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