Blossom’s bold & beautiful triplets!

Описание к видео Blossom’s bold & beautiful triplets!

Last night, just after one, I awoke to sounds of babies crying on the barn cam. I rubbed my eyes awake and checked out the stall where all the older babies sleep to see if anyone was unhappy. They were all resting peacefully. That meant there had to be babies somewhere else in the barn! Round three of kidding season had begun!

By the time I got out to the barn, three new babies had been born to Blossom! She was still working on her placenta, but they were all beautiful and dry and fed already! Nice work mama Blossom!

Now she has her work cut out caring for them! They are VERY brave and playful for newborns! At just 10 hours old they were exploring and hamming it up for the camera and checking out Roger the barn cat who is back at his job of fluffy barn security, protecting the new kids and their mama!

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