Epic slalom racing before the World Cup! Final day PWA Gran Canaria

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The wind is back and the fleet complete! Wind and riders are ON FIRE! Don't miss out on "Epic slalom racing before the World Cup! Final day PWA Gran Canaria", click now!

Epic slalom racing before the World Cup! Final day PWA Gran Canaria

#Epicslalomracing beforetheWorldCup!FinaldayPWAGranCanaria #windsurfing #pozo #pwa #slalom #drone #racing #grancanaria

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Epic slalom racing before the World Cup! Final day PWA Gran Canaria

#Epicslalomracing beforetheWorldCup!FinaldayPWAGranCanaria #windsurfing #pozo #pwa #slalom #drone #racing #grancanaria
Watch the replay here:
   • Epic slalom racing  before the World ...  
   • Epic slalom racing  before the World ...  
   • Epic slalom racing  before the World ...  

00:00 Part 1
02:13 Part 2
04:47 Part 3
06:30 Part 4


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