Data Power to the People || Vassilis Papakonstantinou & Marina Hatsopoulos

Описание к видео Data Power to the People || Vassilis Papakonstantinou & Marina Hatsopoulos

Vassilis Papakonstantinou, technology entrepreneur and Co-Founder and Vice-Chairman of the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece, talks about Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, explaining the basics of these technologies and how they are expected to affect our society.

Artificial Intelligence, particularly machine learning, is exploding, creating tremendous opportunities across industries from health to mobility, education, security, food production, work, and more. Big data, the new oil, is fueling this explosion. Big data comes from various sources, including individuals going about their daily lives. Sharing our private data is a mixed blessing. It can create significant benefits but also raise privacy issues for the individual. Is it possible to have our cake and eat it too?

Vassilis Papakonstantinou will explore some key questions that will help frame the problem and the solutions during this webcast, such as the following:

• What is essentially AI, and what is the relationship with data?
• Why is sharing data important for efficient AI?
• How can we share our data selectively and maintain control over its use and what are the implications of that?

The discussion is facilitated by CYA friend, Marina Hatsopoulos, entrepreneur and writer, Chairperson of the Board and investor in Levitronix Technologies, and member of the Advisory Board of the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece.

7 April 2021


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