'my life with satyajit ray'

Описание к видео 'my life with satyajit ray'

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Calcutta, 1950: Satyajit Ray directs his first film ‘Pather Panchali’ and, by opening his eyes on his country’s realities, breaks every convention of Indian cinema. At his death in 1992, Satyajit Ray left a legacy of more than 30 films which have placed him as one of the most rewarded filmmakers in the story of the cinema. For 25 years, the photographer Nemai Ghosh followed Ray as his shadow, and recorded almost every moment of Ray's private and cinematic life. He has a collection of more than 90.000 photographs, all related to Ray. His camera has captured Ray writing scripts, designing sets and costumes, composing music, sketching every detail of his films. "While carrying out my duties as the still photographer, I would click at Ray's every move in my spare time. As Ray was creating history on and off the sets, I felt I had to chronicle that history through my camera”. In this film, Nemai Ghosh reflects upon the history of this great passion that lasted over 25 years…

Calcutta, 1950 : Satyajit Ray réalise son premier film et, ouvrant les yeux sur les réalités de son pays, brise toutes les conventions du cinéma indien et entame une carrière vertigineuse. Pendant 25 ans, le photographe Nemai Ghosh le suivra comme son ombre. Ce film retrace leurs destins parallèles, il raconte l’extraordinaire parcours artistique de Satyajit Ray vu à travers l’objectif obsessionnel de Nemai Ghosh: une histoire attachante et mystérieuse d’une fascination démesurée d’un photographe pour son modèle.

a film by bo van der werf / neon rouge productions 2005 /

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