Introduction to media studies - Part 1

Описание к видео Introduction to media studies - Part 1

Students explore theories that explain how communication influences our perspective of others, the world and ourselves. By examining media messages from journalism, entertainment and advertising, students explore how the media create meaning and how technology shapes the ways we communicate. Students will use the theories discussed to analyze excerpts from TV shows, films, news media and digital media. Have you ever imagined a world without a means of communication? What will become ofus if we live our everyday lives without knowing what happens beyond our scope or surroundings? These questions will help us appreciate the importance and relevance of th mass media and its related theories. The mass media makes communication possible by providing communication means in the form of; radio, television, magazines, andnewspapers, including the people involved in their production.Communication. There are several theories that seek to explain the flow of communication and its effects on both the sender and receiver. Today, I will be talking about three source theories : Agenda setting, gate keeping, and hegemony. I will also be talking about three audience theories : uses and gratifications, cultivation analysis, and hypodermic syringe theory.

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