Implications of AI on Higher Education

Описание к видео Implications of AI on Higher Education

Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and others, have had an astonishingly quick impact on the ways we learn, work, think, and create, and this evolution is clearly apparent on college campuses. As early as January 2023, approximately 9 out of 10 college students reported using ChatGPT, and that number, as well as student competency with AI, has only grown since then. AI is present in our college classrooms, and there is also growing demand for graduates who possess AI competencies and literacies. Drawing from the presenter’s new book, Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning (Johns Hopkins University Press), the core focus of this session will be on concrete approaches and strategies higher education can adopt, both within the classroom and across larger curricular structures, to best prepare students for the life that awaits them after graduation.

C. Edward Watson, Ph.D

C. Edward Watson is Associate Vice President for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation and Executive Director of Digital Innovation with the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC& U). There, he leads programming and a scholarly agenda that focuses on general education, teaching and learning practice, and evidence-based instruction enhanced by technology. For the latter, key foci include artificial intelligence (A.I.), digital equity, and open learning.

Margaret Heisel, CSHE


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