Rod Serling's Patterns - with Elizabeth Montgomery (1955)

Описание к видео Rod Serling's Patterns - with Elizabeth Montgomery (1955)

A famous teleplay starring Ed Begley, Everett Sloane and Richard Kiley. Elizabeth Montgomery has a bit part. It aired live on January 12, 1955. The New York Times critic Jack Gould, hailed it as a breakthrough and suggested a second showing. On February 9, NBC again broadcast the play live with the same cast. This was the first time and perhaps the only time in history that a performance was repeated live on American television. This kine-scope is from the first broadcast because the second broadcast did not have commercials.

Movie Version: This is the original script as shown on live TV. A movie was released in 1956 with much of the same cast except for Staples. Also, no Liz in the movie.

0:00 Start Act 1
19:17 End of Act 1 - Kraft Commercial - Philadelphia Cream Cheese
21:10 Act II
40:57 End of Act II - Commercial - Cheez Whiz!
43:12 Act III
55:24 Recipe, Short Parkay Commercial, Tonight's Cast

There is dialogue missing at 54:24 -
RAMSIE "By the way, you might like to know that Andy Sloane's boy is being taken care of."
STAPLES: (accusingly) "Will that help you sleep better at night?"
RAMSIE: "It starts now, doesn't it?"
STAPLES: "It starts....Good night."

Tom Shales article on Patterns

Elizabeth Wilson at IMDB


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